Interests Assessment Upgraded
Psychometrics | 03 Oct 2022 | By Yehezkiel Faoma Taslim
Interests Assessment Upgraded

We have updated the Interests assessment to give you richer data on what kind of work your candidates and employees love doing. A new and robust theoretical framework means more dynamic, detailed, and relevant results for use in HR decision-making.


Previously only showing vague interests, the new Interests now tell you:


  • What someone’s interests mean for their career

  • Specific careers that fit their interests

  • What to do if interests aren’t accompanied by capability


What’s new?


1. Interest Dimensions

2. Interest Distribution

3. Interest Dynamics


Interest Dimensions


This is the big picture of this talent’s interests: what they like to work with (Contact), how they like to work (Approach), and how difficult they like it to be (Complexity).


  • Contact: Preference for interpersonal activities (with people) versus impersonal activities (with things).

  • Approach: Preference for external thinking (with data) versus internal thinking (with ideas).

  • Complexity: Preference for complex versus non-complex fields.


Dreamtalent VIPS+ Interests Assessment


Interest Distribution


This graph illustrates how this talent’s interests are spread across the dimensions. Notably separated by Complexity into:


  • Base Interests: Interests and perceived competence at the basic level, regardless of Complexity.

  • Complex Interests: Interest levels and perceived competence in more difficult fields that require extensive training and education.

  • Non-Complex Interests: Interest levels and perceived competence in fields that are easier to master.


Dreamtalent VIPS+ Interests Assessment


Interest Dynamics


Each interest is measured in 2 factors: desire (how much they enjoy it) and perceived competence (how confident they are in their abilities).


Based on that, a recommendation is made regarding pursuing interests. For example, if the talent likes something but isn’t yet confident in their abilities, they are recommended to start planning now.


Dreamtalent VIPS+ Interests Assessment


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